News — march activities

9 Fun and Easy DIY Spring Crafts for Kids to Boost Social Emotional Learning

9 Fun and Easy DIY Spring Crafts for Kids to Boost Social Emotional Learning

It’s the changing of the season, which calls for a fresh spring in our step, as we dramatically shed our...

The Best 100th Day of School SEL Ideas for the Primary Classroom

The Best 100th Day of School SEL Ideas for the Primary Classroom

The 100th day of school is a magnificent milestone each school year. To celebrate the immensity of this accomplishment, we usually assess how big...

Mindful Winter Activities for Kids and Primary Classrooms on a Budget

Mindful Winter Activities for Kids and Primary Classrooms on a Budget

My ideal winter can be described as immobile. Only breaking my hibernation for shopping breaks and to feed the chickadees,...

March Activities for Students for Social Emotional Learning in the Primary Classroom

March Activities for Students for Social Emotional Learning in the Primary Classroom

St. Patrick’s Day isn’t the only reason we might be feeling a little lucky come March. With spring break &...